How to Improve Reception With Your Antenna When You Cut The Cord
An antenna is a great way to get a ton of 100% free HD channels. Not only will you get the big four – ABC, CBS, FOX, and NBC – but you will likely also get a growing list of other channels. Antennas can also make great backups for when your internet is out but it can take a bit to get the most from your antenna.
So today we have 4 tips to help you improve the reception you get with your antenna:
#1 Do You Have The Right Antenna?
Antennas come in many different sizes and types. Some antennas are more powerful than others. Before you buy an antenna, do a bit of research first to see what kind of antenna you need. If you live close to a tower, a simple cheap indoor antenna may be perfect for you. If you live far from the towers you may need an outdoor antenna.
We suggest using a site like Antennaweb.org and enter your zip code to see how far you are from the local TV stations. A 30-mile indoor antenna is great if you live close but if you live 60+ miles away you may need an outdoor antenna.
Remember the ratings on the antenna is the “best-case” scenario for that antenna. Try to slightly overbuy because a 60-mile antenna may only pick up stations from 30+ miles away if you are in a hilly area or a major city with a lot of tall buildings.
#2 Finding The Right Location For Your Antenna
When you set up your antenna don’t just put it next to your TV and call it good. The location of the antenna can also affect how well the antenna works. Avoid placing your antenna next to metal and electronics.
Metal will block your antenna’s ability to pick up signals. This problem may seem easy to avoid, but you will be surprised at the many sources of metal in your house. One common, but little known, source of metal is the chimney. Most modern chimneys have a metal lining that kills TV reception. While it may seem convenient to hang your antenna near your chimney, you want to put your antenna as far away from it as possible.
Avoid placing your antenna right behind your TV or around other electronics. It may seem logical to hide your antenna behind your TV, but TVs, game systems, streaming boxes, and other electronics block over-the-air signals. Some stations will be powerful enough to punch through the interference, but it will make it harder to pick up weaker stations.
If you have one TV that picks up a station well but another one that can’t pick it up at all, or just gets poor reception, there is probably something blocking the signal from your antenna.
#3 Go High
The most important thing you should do is place your antenna as high as possible. The higher your antenna is the more likely it is to pick up weaker stations and avoid obstacles that block over-the-air TV signals. Even placing the antenna higher within a room may improve its ability to pick up stations.
You may want to think about putting your antenna in an upstairs room and using a device like an HDHomeRun or a Tablo DVR to stream the antenna to multiple TVs around the house. This way you can get the best reception without needing to worry about connecting it to your TV.
#4 Put Your Antenna on the Side of the House Facing the Transmitters
One of the great things about websites like Antennaweb.org is that they will show you the direction the TV towers are transmitting from. If they are all on the south side of your house, place your antenna on the south side of your house. If you put the antenna on the north side of your house, your house is blocking weaker TV signals that may have otherwise been picked up if you had placed the antenna on the south side of your house. Now it does not need to be facing exactly south, but the closer to the source the better.
Do you have any tips for getting more from your antenna? Leave us a comment and let us know.
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Source – https://www.cordcuttersnews.com/how-to-improve-reception-with-your-antenna-when-you-cut-the-cord/
Category : Blog , Cord-Cutting